Thursday, January 7, 2016

16 things I plan/hope to do in 2016

Good afternoon! Today I have been thinking about the New year, and about new goals. Then I started thinking about last year's goals. What did I actually accomplish? How many of us are able to say that we completed our goals or resolutions for the year? That being said, I thought I would edit my post from last year with updates. All new writing will be in RED.

 Welcome to the 8th day of the New Year! I don't do "New Years Resolutions" simply for the fact that it is like a promise to me. I take honesty very seriously, and I have quit every resolution I have ever made. That being said, I make goals or plans that I hope to achieve. So here goes my 16...
COMPLETED1. Go on my first ever CRUISE! (and get over my fear of open water and no land in sight)
Ours leaves in 9 days!

Wow is all I can say. I mean going on a cruise was way more awesome than I thought it would be. Now wives and mothers, if you haven't done this and can, seriously consider it. You won't be sorry! Not only did I not have to do laundry, but I did not think about one single meal. I did not think about our budget. I did not hear "I'm bored" once from my daughter. It was just an amazing experience! 

Of course every cruise is different, but we went on Royal Caribbean's Freedom of the Seas. I highly recommend it! They have a great children's program, tons of giveaways, and a buffet that has so many great things to choose from and is open forever. I will post on this soon. ;)
FAILED2. Learn either Kickboxing or Archery

I have wanted to do both forever....sometimes I strike an archery pose in the mirror to see how cool I would look doing it (if that is any indication of how serious I am).

FAILED3. Learn Spanish

Being married to a Colombian, I now realize I should have paid attention in Spanish class....I understand the important things (food related), but I want to be able to speak it and understand it fluently. So I can...

FAILED4.  Take a trip to....Colombia!

The land of my favorite food and soccer team, as well as some my daughter's (and husband's) culture.

FAILED-SOMEWHAT5. I want to DATE! husband of course, as well as go on more mommy daughter dates!

We had a few family dates, but not ANY individual dates as husband and wife.

COMPLETED6. I want to live in the moment!

No phones or any other kind of distracting electronics! Ugh. I can't even say how many moments I missed or wasted time I have spent on these.

 This definitely needs work, but I have come far. I have a new plan for this, which I hope to get the post out soon. 

FAILED7.  Grow

In every area of my life. As a wife, as a mother, and spiritually.

This isn't a complete fail, but I can't remember anything life defining. There may be some small growths though.

FAILED8. Get a new (used) car

Let me start out by saying I am extremely disappointed in our car selection in 2016. I was positive I would be flying high above the ground when I was and adult. Thank you Jetsons, for giving me false hope.

I decided to keep my current car until it breaks lol. I stopped working full time, so I didn't need my car as much and decided another payment just wasn't worth it.

FAILED9. Paint

I love doing it and rarely get to.

This one sucks, but honestly I always found something that should be getting done...

COMPLETED10. Work on getting a business completely launched.

We have had many business ventures, including roasting coffee (One Love Coffee Company) and an at home bakery (Christine's Bake Shoppe). They both have had a small business flow, but I would love to be able to work with my husband again. Maybe a combination of the 2? Or even us both working as virtual assistants.

Ok, so it wasn't exactly what I had planned, but I did get a small business going. I make printables on Etsy. Under the Sea Printables you can check it out here: 


COMPLETED11. Gain a healthy lifestyle

Not a get skinny quick plan, but changing my habits. Teaching my daughter the reasons why we should eat healthy and exercise, and not to think diets are to get skinny. I banned this word from my vocabulary.

 I am so happy about this one:D Sure, I waited until the last few months to get going, but that is not the point. ;) Since October, My mom and I have been going to Planet Fitness for at least 4 or 5 days a week! My healthy eating needs some work, but I'm getting there.

FAILED12. Buy a house

We have moved 8 times in 11 years ( 4 states and no one is in the military), and I am exhausted from it all. I want to paint a wall and not have to repaint it in a year. I would love to draw growth marks in my daughter's door frame of her room. I am blessed beyond belief, this is a "want" on my list.

COMPLETED13. Make more time for my family

This is always a work in progress, but I think we have gained so much more this year by shifting our focus.

COMPLETED14. Learn to pick my battles

I need to learn to just let some things go. With my husband, my daughter, with everything.

With my daughter I have learned to let her wear blue polka dot headbands with orange striped pants if she wants to. It isn't worth the battle and I don't want to stop her creativity. 

My husband is more challenging lol. We are both stubborn. Even when I am right he still thinks he is, and that's ok. I just go on with my day after saying "ok babe." My pride doesn't want this, but he can become quite a headache. :')

FAILED15. Make the most with the materials I have

Pinterest is great with showing you how to repurpose an old table into something you can use, or redesign any room in your house with no budget.

Lot's of plans, no initiative.

FAILED16. Blog regularly

I honestly can say, so far I love blogging! I know my grammar isn't on point, nor would my spelling be if it wasn't for autocorrect, but it is a fun outlet.

How tragic, this was an easy one lol.

I should be getting the new year up soon, thanks for reading! :)